
  • Steel Structure Engineering: Applications and Advantages

    Steel Structure Engineering: Applications and Advantages

    Steel structures are widely used in modern construction due to their exceptional strength, versatility, and adaptability. Here’s a concise overview of their key applications and design considerations:Core Application ScenariosHigh-Rise BuildingsSteel frameworks provide optimal strength-to-weight ra......

  • Reasons for Using Steel Structures in Bridges

    Reasons for Using Steel Structures in Bridges

    Lightweight Superstructure: The superstructure of steel bridges is generally lighter than those made with other building materials, often resulting in reduced foundation requirements and lower costs. Additionally, the lighter superstructure typically reduces seismic forces, which can be a major adva......

  • Steel Structure Warehouse Hoisting Process and Hoisting Plan

    Steel Structure Warehouse Hoisting Process and Hoisting Plan

    Hoisting Process FlowPositioning → Elevation Setting → Column Top Bolt Pre-embedding → Elevation Verification → Line Marking → Column Installation → Steel Beam Installation → Secondary Component Installation → Welding → Touch-up Painting → CompletionSteel Column Installation ProcessI. Hois......

  • Differences Between Multi-story Steel Structures and Conventional Steel Structures

    Differences Between Multi-story Steel Structures and Conventional Steel Structures

    Multi-story and high-rise steel structures rank as the second most widely used building material (after concrete*). They offer versatility, durability, and ease of fabrication, allowing them to be shaped into virtually any form. While these structures exhibit strong compressive strength, they strugg......

  • Steel Structure Warehouse Lifting Process and Plan

    Steel Structure Warehouse Lifting Process and Plan

    Lifting Process FlowPositioning → Elevation Setting → Pre-embedding of Column Top Bolts → Rechecking Elevation → Marking Lines → Column Installation → Steel Beam Installation → Secondary Component Installation → Welding → Touch-up Painting → CompletionSteel Column Installation Process1. Li......

  • How to Distinguish Between Multi-story and Single-story Steel Structures?

    How to Distinguish Between Multi-story and Single-story Steel Structures?

    The characteristics of steel structures include excellent heat resistance but relatively poor fire resistance. Tests indicate that as temperature rises from ambient to 150°C, steel retains its strength and plasticity. However, at 600°C, its strength drastically decreases, dropping to zero and resu......