Quality Control During Steel Structure Workshop Installation

1. Pre-Installation Preparations
Component Verification: Before hoisting, recheck components for deformation and dimensional accuracy. Proceed only if compliant.
Foundation Inspection:
Confirm concrete strength meets specifications.
Inspect pre-embedded bolts or cup openings in column foundations.
Document and address deviations in foundation position or elevation to adjust column placement.
2. Precision Installation Strategy
Priority Installation Sequence: Begin with sections containing column bracing, tie rods, and roof bracing.
Post-Hoisting Adjustments:
Re-measure column axes and elevation after hoisting.
Correct deviations and temporarily stabilize columns with guy ropes.
Install column bracing, roof beams, and inter-beam tie rods (referred to as rough installation).
3. Temporary Fixing and Secondary Component Installation
Elongated Bolt Holes: Design temporary fixing holes for on-site welded parts as elongated holes to facilitate alignment and precision adjustment.
Purlin Connection Holes:
Avoid on-site cutting or grinding of purlins at height due to positional deviations.
Risks include operational hazards, compromised coatings, and aesthetic damage.
Use elongated holes for single-sided connections of purlins, with enlarged matching washers.
Critical Safety Note: